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The great spirit of Samurai 1.9 APK

  • Author

    Tumuburi Softpop.

  • 最新版本:


  • 發布日期:

    Jul 09 2023

The great spirit of Samurai

The Samurai Supirittsu Amakusa Kōrin is a tag fighting game to compete between playersAs frost, floods, fires, and famine play havoc with the world, a sinister castle appears in the land of Shimabara. The lord of that castle is Shiro shodown Amakusa.Having previously been resurrected from the realm of the dead, Amakusa the samurai spirits was supposed to have been slain in the midst of his evil designs, but now he returns to subjugate the world of the living.Having already engulfed the Shimabara peninsula, this castle of evil grows larger day by day. People soon call it Amakusa Castle and in their terror begin to revere it, hoping this will save them in the game of サムライスピリッツ天草降臨, Samurai Supirittsu Amakusa Kōrin.But little did they know that this act of desperation would only summon further misfortune....
The great spirit of Samurai 歷史版本
The great spirit of Samurai 1.9 for Android 4.3及更高版本 下載

Version : 1.9 for Android 4.3及更高版本

更新日期 : 2019-05-25

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